All our rope products are made BY ME, when you order them, right here in my shop. ALL the rope is American made. Halters are all hand tied- leads and reins are hand spliced. Please keep in mind that splicing is NOT an exact science your 10′ lead rope may finish out to 9’10”, or 10′ 2- or may be smack at 10′. All are made the same, starting with the same length of rope but splicing is simply not an exact science.
Soft and Stiff Rope Difference:
Halter rope is all made from polyester it is all low shrink, UV resistant rope.
Rope Care:
Handwashing is best, with a gentle detergent. Personally, I put them in a bucket of warm water with light detergent, mix them around after soaking them rinse them and hang dry.
Wouldn’t recommend pressure washer or washing matching because removing all hardware sometimes isn’t feasible. Washing is done at your own risk if you throw your soft rope halter in the washer and the fiador comes loose, that is not covered by warranty.
Type of Rope for projects:
Polyester. Ropes are all premium, double braid polyester the same rope all major clinicians use. Made in the USA to the Cordage Institutes high standards for rope and will surpass any rope you can find elsewhere. Halter rope is 1/4″ diameter, and our lead/ rein material is 9/16″.
Ropes are warrantied against defect in workmanship for 6 months. Warranty is void if chewed on or if improperly used. Halters are not meant to be left on horses in pasture, halters will NOT break. The fiador can come loose if used in crossties (which I do not recommend using in cross ties), any such use voids the warranty. I do not manufacture my own hardware, I cannot unconditionally guarantee them as you well know, hardware sometimes fails.
All our rope products are made BY ME, when you order them, right here in my shop. ALL the rope is American made. Halters are all hand tied- leads and reins are hand spliced. Please keep in mind that splicing is NOT an exact science your 10′ lead rope may finish out to 9’10”, or 10′ 2- or may be smack at 10′. All are made the same, starting with the same length of rope but splicing is simply not an exact science.
Soft and Stiff Rope Difference:
Halter rope is all made from polyester it is all low shrink, UV resistant rope.
- Soft halter rope is a double braid rope, just like our lead rope material, only in a smaller diameter, similar rope used by major clinician Pat Parelli. Soft on the horses face and will be the gentlest rope halter we offer.
Rope Care:
Handwashing is best, with a gentle detergent. Personally, I put them in a bucket of warm water with light detergent, mix them around after soaking them rinse them and hang dry.
Wouldn’t recommend pressure washer or washing matching because removing all hardware sometimes isn’t feasible. Washing is done at your own risk if you throw your soft rope halter in the washer and the fiador comes loose, that is not covered by warranty.
Type of Rope for projects:
Polyester. Ropes are all premium, double braid polyester the same rope all major clinicians use. Made in the USA to the Cordage Institutes high standards for rope and will surpass any rope you can find elsewhere. Halter rope is 1/4″ diameter, and our lead/ rein material is 9/16″.
Some use nylon, which stretches and stiffens over time.- Some use MFP (polypropylene) lightweight and no feel.
Ropes are warrantied against defect in workmanship for 6 months. Warranty is void if chewed on or if improperly used. Halters are not meant to be left on horses in pasture, halters will NOT break. The fiador can come loose if used in crossties (which I do not recommend using in cross ties), any such use voids the warranty. I do not manufacture my own hardware, I cannot unconditionally guarantee them as you well know, hardware sometimes fails.